"有名曲揃いだが、いずれのトラックにも新たな発見が あふれていて飽きさせない"

[audio CD]
The Milestones
Saxophone Kanako Mikuni
Piano Satomi Yamazaki
Serendipity Saxophone Quartet
P. Creston / Sonata for Alto Saxophone and Piano Op.19
1. With Vigor
2. With tranquility
3. With gaiety
W. Albright / Sonata for Alto Saxophone and Piano Op.21
1. Two-Part Invention
2. La follia nuova: a lament for George Cacioppo
3. Schelzo "Will o' the wisp"
4. Recitative and Dance
C.Saint=Seäns / Sonate pour Hautboirs Op.166
3.Molto Allegro
G.Piérne / Introdution et variations sur une ronde populaire
Label:Florestan / FLCP21050
¥2800 (+tax, postage)

Published + CD ¥3000

Down load ¥2500

Down load ¥800

Published + CD ¥3000
Musical scores//
G. Gershwin
Three songs from Gershwin
V. Youmanth
Tea for Two (MIDI Data)
Booklet CD

Tea for Two
audio CD + score ( Tea for Two )
1⃣ Sevilia from Suite española No.1 / I. Albeniz (arr. M. Mule)
2⃣ Bondens sang Op.65-2 from Lyriske smastykker No.8
/ E. Grieg (arr. K. Mikuni)
3⃣ Byllupsdag pa Troldhaugen Op.65-6 from Lyriske smastykker No.8
/ E. Grieg (arr. K. Mikuni)
4⃣ Tea for Two / V. Youmanth (arr. K. Mikuni)
5⃣ Smoke gets in your eyes / J. Kann (arr. K. Mikuni)
6⃣ Three songs from Gershwin / G. Gershwin (arr. K. Mikuni)
Published / Honeybee Music
¥2000 (+postage)